1 Pound Assortment for the Small Dog 10 – 25 pounds in Weight
Grade A/Premium 100% Naturally Shed Whitetail Antler-Pieces
Chewing on antler help with anxiety, burns energy, cleans teeth plus absorb super nutrients your canine need. Our antler is organic, they contain no additives or preservatives! These chews are as natural as it gets!
All whitetail antler are naturally shed and found in the United States! Composed of marrow, antler contain the super nutrients of iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, glucosamine and potassium. Chewing on antler help with anxiety, burns energy, cleans teeth plus absorb super nutrients your canine need. Our antler is organic, they contain no additives or preservatives! These chews are as natural as it gets!
All whitetail antler are naturally shed and found in the United States! Composed of marrow, antler contain the super nutrients of iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, glucosamine and potassium.